Let’s go! Stop waiting and let’s get busy with improving your health. Have you reached the breaking point yet? So many of the people I work with have either reached the breaking point, are sick and tired of being sick and tired, or have no choice but to improve their health. It takes motivation. The desire to change must be present. The desire to break free from your present state of health needs to be there in order for healing to begin. It won’t happen on its own.
I work with a lot of people who are very sick and ill. When I get the chance to work with someone professionally, I carefully review as much data and information that I have before me. This includes laboratory tests, food intake forms, detailed client intake data, including intake forms that have a specific purpose of identifying dysfunction in various organs, glands and systems. All of this data is used to put together an incredibly elaborate nutrition program which includes individualized diet, supplements, stress reduction, fitness and exercise and detoxification strategies.
If you have physical pain due to structural imbalances, I work closely with a brilliant corrective exercise specialist that can help tailor a physical corrective exercise program for you.
Lab Data
If we decide to work together there are some lab tests that I consider to be very important in order to get a picture of what your body needs specifically. I have been using Metabolic Typing© consistently for 5 years and have found it to be the most essential foundation for understanding the dietary needs for each individual. In addition to this, I have been using Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis for 5 years as a way to monitor mineral uptake and assimilation, toxic metal mobilization and adrenal and thyroid function. I am confident that the recent discoveries and understandings I have had with this test will prove to yield more important data for how a person can improve their health.
There is one additional lab test I find to be essential and that is the standard blood chemistry panel. The methods that I use to interpret blood chemistry are functional rather than pathological, and so my interpretation is very different than what allopaths use. Consequently, when I interpret a blood test functionally, I find many things that the ordinary clinician may easily overlook.
Get Excited!
I love helping people get well, it is my life’s passion. I thrive on digging deeply for the cause of a person’s health issues and uprooting them. I put in a lot of time, work, research and effort to help a person to achieve a higher level of health. Are you ready to put a high level of commitment into attaining your health goals? I have spent years and thousands of hours working diligently to harness and refine my approach. I strive to provide you with the most effective, strategic and comprehensive nutritional programs available today.