At once point in history, salt was one of the highest traded commodities on earth. In addition to being used as a natural flavor-enhancer, salt was used as a natural preservative prior to refrigeration. Many people today have avoided the consumption of salt because of fear of it causing an elevation in blood pressure. Yet, certain individuals can benefit by increasing their blood pressure. Additionally there needs to be more attention given to the quality and quantity of salt for individual usage.
Unrefined, mineral salt contains an abundance of trace minerals and electrolytes, including the key electrolytes: sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, sulfate and phosphate. Many varieties of sea salt such as celtic salt and Hawaiian salts contain as much as 85 trace elements!
Since having begun using mineral salts therapeutically in my nutrition practice, I have seen noticeable and significant improvements in certain individuals. I have seen significant improvements in adrenal function, electrolytes and hydration, in blood pressure and in digestion simply by adding mineral salts and/or re-constituted mineral salt solutions to water.
Electrolytes electrically charge your cells. These ions have either a (+) or a (-) symbol indicating that they have an imbalanced distribution of electrons. Humans require very complex balances of electrolytes in order for the physiological processes of the body to function. Electrolytes either work outside of the cell or inside of the cell. The hydration that electrolytes create are what moves water in and out of the cells, which is fundamental to producing and regulating the body’s energy.
Electrolytes are responsible for:
- Hydration
- Blood pH
- Hormone Synthesis
- Muscle Contraction
- Nerve Conduction
- Digestion & Detoxification
These basic functions are critical for determining how efficiently your cells detoxify, as well as how efficient is your digestion and assimilation.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration is very common today. Minerals are deficient in the diet and many people do not drink good quality water. In fact, many people don’t drink water at all. Water that is consumed is often chemically treated with toxins such as fluoride and chlorine.
Purification of chemical content from water will also tend to pull minerals from the water. If you drink reverse osmosis water, it must be re-mineralized, otherwise the water has no hydrating effect on your body. Mineral salt is spectacular for doing this.
Adding 1/8th-1/4 teaspoon of high quality mineral salt per gallon of RO or distilled water will effectively re-mineralize your water.
The Need For Salt Is Individual
Certain individuals should reduce their intake of salt. These are people who have certain degrees of sympathetic nervous system stress, including some individuals (not all) with elevated blood pressure. For such individuals, the need for higher amounts of other electrolytes such as magnesium and potassium may apply.
No one should consume the chemical salt sodium chloride. This is processed junk table salt devoid of other minerals and chemically treated, often containing toxic tag-a-longs such as aluminum and anti-caking agents.
High quality mineral salt and water can have great benefit for certain people withadrenal hypofunction, electrolyte insufficiency, excess vasodilation and diminished blood pressure.