What constitutes a healthy and normal total cholesterol level? The answer may surprise you. Has it ever occurred to you that the reason that mainstream medicine places so much attention on total blood cholesterol levels is becuase cholesterol lowering drugs are the most financially profitable drugs in history?
I gave a recent talk at a healthfood store regarding inflammation and cholesterol. It was amazing to me that none of the 30 people in the room could tell me any of the functions or benfits of cholesterol inside of the human body. But many of the people have been scared into thinking that they needed to lower their cholesterol levels. You can watch part 2 of this video HERE
Mainstream allopathic medicine is adept at using propaganda techniques. Propaganda – that is exactly how to describe the fear-inducing drug adds on TV, the fraudulent studies that are funded by the drug cartels, the billions that are spent to pump out pill happy MD’s. Mainstream medicine is a catastrophy. The cholesterol parade is the most prevelant propaganda push that has ever existed in medicine.
What Is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is known as a sterol. How important is cholesterol? Consider that:
- Every single cell of your body is made from cholesterol
- Cholesterol increases cell membrane integrity
- Every steroid hormone is made from cholesterol
- Cholesterol is essential for Myelin Sheath Development
- Cholesterol is an antioxidant and free radical scavenger
- Your body’s ability to synthesize Vitamin D is dependent on cholesterol
- Cholesterol is necessary for the production of bile and bile acids
- Your immune system needs cholesterol to repair damaged cells. And this is why LDL levels will tend to go up after tooth procedures, surgery as well as when you damage or destroy cells of your body. Cholesterol is transported from the liver to do the repair work. And the same thing happens when your cells are damaged after consuming trans fats, refined sugars, processed foods and neurotoxic substances like mercury and fluoride. Your body increases its production of cholesterol in order to repair damaged cells. This is one scenario that will contribute to the elevation of cholesterol. in essence, the body is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing. Cholesterol is a response to inflammation, not a cause of it!
There is no such thing as good and bad cholesterol. These are names that were created in order to confuse patients and to scare them into taking dangerous cholesterol lowering drugs. Consider that next to water, there is nothing more important to your body than cholesterol.
HDL (high density lipo-protein), the so called ‘good’ cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipo protein), the so called ‘bad’ cholesterol are not even cholesterol; they are lipo-proteins, cholesterol transports.
LDL transports cholesterol from your liver to the various places in your body where cholesterol is needed, such as your cells. HDL transports cholesterol back to your liver to be re-used.Your body is dependent on LDL and cholesterol for hormone production. Without LDL (the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol) your body is INCAPABLE of making the steroid hormones:
- Cortisol, a criticially important adrenal hormone
- DHEA, another critically important adrenal hormone
- Progesterone, a crucial hormone that converts into other hormones such as cortiosl
- Pregnenelone, a master steroid hormone that is used to make DHEA, testosterone, estrogen and pther hormones like progesterone
- All Estrogens
- Testosterone
Pregnenlone is made from cholesterol, which is transported via circulating LDL particles. Pregnenlone then is converted into other hormones such as progesterone, DHEA and cortisol.
How important are these hormones? Vital to every physiological function inside of your body including:
- Immune function
- Energy production
- Cellular metabolism
- Carbohydrate and fat metabolism
- Eicasanoid Modulation
- Prostaglandin Balance
- Collagen synthesis
- Bone formation
- Nervous system regulation
Treating people with cholesterol lowering drugs is not only unintelligent allopathy, it is DANGEROUS allopathy.
Many health and medical professionals believe that elevated cholesterol is a ‘made up’ health condition that began when doctors realized they could test blood cholesterol levels.
The fact that cholesterol lowering drugs are the most financially successful drugs in the history of pharmacology is the reason why cholesterol is so hyped.
The Dangers Associated With LOW Cholesterol Levels
There has been so much hype surrounding high cholesterol, that most people don’t realize that low cholesterol numbers will leave one at a high risk of:
- Muscle Fatigue
- Dying of a Heart Attack
- Nervous system disorders
- Poor hormone synthesis
- Increase risk of Infection
- Neo-plastic development
Remember how vitally important cholesterol is for all of the functions of the body. When there is an inadequate amount of cholesterol being made for all of the body’s needs, this impedes upon all aspects of physiology. One of the reasons why people taking statin drugs feel so depleted, run down and lacking energy is because cholesterol is essential for hormone production and normal cellular function. Consider that people on statins drugs likely have diminished adrenal function, decreased immunity, and may be in a catabolic state of muscle wasting, and breakdown.
Statin Drugs Can Cause Hemolytic Anemia & Worse
Since cholesterol comprises the cell membranes of ALL the cells in the body, insufficient amounts of cholesterol can result in cells which lack structural integrity. In such conditions., cells can literally fall apart in the blood, a process called hemolysis. Hemolytic anemia can result in a cascade of health conditions such as a reduction of blood platelets, low white cells count, vaginal bleeding, loss of consciousness, dizziness, fatigue, liver dysfunction,
Many studies point to what Harlan Krumholz, MD states candidly: “The people with the highest cholesterol live the longest.”
These Blood Chemistry Factors Are FAR GREATER indicators of CVD Risk Than Cholesterol
If there are better ways to assess a person’s cardiovascular risk, don’t you think your doctor should test for it? The reality is that there ARE far greater indicators other than cholesterol. Why are these not routinely tested then? I’ll tell you EXACTLY why: Drug companies don’t make drugs to treat these blood chemistry factors and therefore THERE IS NO MONEY TO BE MADE! They are controlled chiefly through nutritional intervention. If your doctor refuses to test these vital blood chemistry factors, fire your doctor:
- Cardio CRP
- Homocysteine
- Insulin
- Leptin
You Are Being LIED TO
The fraud and corruption in modern medicine will continue to destroy the health and lives of millions of people. Have you known people to have died after having taken statin drugs? I have. The most profitable pharmaceutical drug (Statins) are one of the most dangerous and unnecessary. You should educate yourself.
The Chaos Of Lowering Cholesterol
The lowering of cholesterol to prevent heart disease makes as much sense as removing people’s brains to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. These are the words of Ron Rosedale, MD. Inhibiting the production of one of the most vitally important substances inside the human body is a stupid and very dangerous thing, in my opinion. The belief by the AMA and the AHA that all total cholesterol levels greater than 200 is ‘high’ is ridiculous. Doctors that threaten to put patients on drugs if they don’t lower cholesterol levels violate the Hippocratic Oath. In addition, it reflects a total lack of understanding of lipid biochemistry.
As stated earlier, total cholesterol levels aren’t even a valid indicator of CVD risk factor.
Dietary Sources of Fat & Cholesterol
First and foremost take responsibility for your own health and your body. No one can make you do anything against your will. It is your health, your body and your choice.
Consider that dietary sources of fat and cholesterol have little to do with your blood cholesterol levels. I have literally seen how eating a high protein, high fat, high cholesterol diet actually LOWERS blood cholesterol levels in many people. Depending on the biochemical individuality of each person, dietary sources of fat and cholesterol may have some to little effect on blood cholesterol levels. There are many other variables to consider as to why cholesterol levels elevate. Overconsuming sugar and carbohydrates is often a reason why many people have elevated cholesterol.
Hormones & Toxicity
Other factors such as toxicity, mercury poisoning and fluoride toxicity all contribute to hormone disruption in the body. Mercury particularly can interfere with the conversion of progesterone into cortisol. When there is a cascade of hormonal imbalances, you can almost say with certainty that heavy metal toxicity is a major causative factor. And when the symphony of hormones gets augmented, there are multiple responses and reactions that can ensue. The increased production of cholesterol is one. But realize that the elevation of cholesterol is a response to underlying biochemical imbalances, not a cause of it.
Adrenal fatigue is a very common condition that is characterized by a decline and deregulation of cortisol and DHEA levels. I have seen that people in deep stages of adrenal fatigue can have total cholesterol levels in the 300-400 range. These people also had extensive metals toxicity, liver toxicity and a cascadse of other hormone imbalances. The metals toxicities should be seen as causative since heavy metals can interfere with all biological processes, especially hormones.
Improving upon adrenal function through proper nutritional intervention helps to restore the viability of the hormone pathways, and indirectly may cause cholesterol levels to lower as well. Again, elevation and lowering of cholesterol levels in the blood is a response to other biochemical factors, not a cause.
Hypothyrodism and elevated cholesterol is a common tandem. Again, when there is disruption to the hormone pathways, any number of problems can errupt in the body. Consider that hypothyroidism is just another symptom and result of the cascade of biochemical imbalances in the body. Click HERE to read about the relationship between adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism.
In Closing
Cholesterol is vitally important for the normal functioning in the body. Trying to lower it with drugs and supplements is allopathic. You must understand the highly complex chain of events in the body that influences how cholesterol gets produced and used.
Photo Credit: www.getfreeimage.com