The more you begin to investigate the major issues regarding human health, the more you begin to realize you’ve been lied to. You’ve been lied to by almost every government agency and institution. You’ve been lied to by the profit-driven medical/pharmaceutical cartels. You’ve been lied to by the AMA, the ADA, the EPA, the FDA, USDA, AHA, am I forgetting anyone?
in addition to being lied to by the mainstream, these agencies and institutions function on levels of incompetence so great that its amazing they can persist.
Without further adue, here is a list of the top 10 myths that have been regurgitated by the bloated and rotting systems of so called ‘healthcare’, pharma, medicine, and government in the United States. Drum roll please…
#10: We Should All Eat More Government-Subsidized Grain
The truth is that at no one point in human history have grains been consumed or over-produced in such massive amounts as they are today in the United States. The reason why the USDA makes these over the top recommendations for grain-based carbohydrate consumption is because the government doles out tens of billions of dollars annually for agricultural subsidies. The USDA’s recommendations for grain-based carbohydrates reads more like a government grocery receipt than it does as an ideal component of human health.
The U.S. government pays out between 10-30 billion dollars in cash subsidies to farmers every year. More than 90% of agricultural subsidies go to farmers of 5 crops: wheat, corn, soybeans, rice and cotton.
In addition to subsidies, the USDA provides farmers with subsidized crop insurance, marketing support and agricultural research. This totals to an additional $5 billion annually and is funded directly through taxpayers. The heaviest subsidies go to the biggest producers of grain-based carbohydrates. So you guessed it: the U.S. Agricultural Monolithic Complex gets the biggest government support.
It’s no surprise why you are being told what to eat by the federal government. They have a heavy investment to swallow and you are funding it with your tax dollars. So you get what you pay for.
I like to think that U.S. citizens are like feedlot animals to the U.S. government; you get fattened by the same hand that feeds you. Not only are you being fattened by the feedlot farmers of the federal government, you’re being forced to pay for your own fattening!
Obesity, gluten intolerance, celiac, digestive sensitivities, excessively high glucose and insulin resistance can all be caused by grain-based carbohydrates. Vegetables, not grains are the best sources of carbohydrates because they have a much lower glycemic index and are much more nutrient dense.
Don’t expect the government to recommend vegetables over grains though. The government pays the LEAST amount of subsidies to vegetables and fruits. Between 1995-2005, vegetables and fruits received 0.37% (less than 1%) of all agricultural subsidies. This is precisely why a fast food hamburger will cost less than a salad.
#9: Pasteurized Dairy is Safer and Healthier Than Raw Dairy
Every since Louis Pastuer’s ‘Germ Theory of Disease’, western culture has become terrified of germs and bacteria. Modern medicine is still based upon this outdated, incomplete and unproven theory. Many of Pasteur’s contemporary opponents such as Antoine Bechamp disproved Pasteur’s theories about the nature of disease and the role of germs. Because of the adaptation of Pasteur’s germ theory, the dairy industry has been destroying one of nature’s purest and most nutrient dense foods for several decades: raw milk.
Pasteurization destroys nutrients such as Vitamins B-12, B-6, C, A, beneficial bacteria, as well as denatures delicate milk proteins and vital enzymes. Because of the denaturization of proteins and the destruction of enzymes, pasteurized dairy promotes the growth of pathogens and potentially harmful bacteria. These same bacteria are not harmful in raw milk. Calves fed pasteurized dairy develop very poorly and often die before maturity. In humans, pasteurized dairy is a DIRECT CAUSE of sinus and respiratory infections, tooth decay, allergies, colic in infants, stunted growth, intestinal and digestive issues, leaky gut, heart disease and osteoporosis. Because pasteurized dairy lacks enzyme activity, it turns putrid rather than sour. Processors must remove pus through a process called centrifugal clarification.
Modern pasteurization methods called ‘ultra pasteurization’ are an even more virulent form of pasteurization. This process heats milk to temperatures of 180F, preserving shelf life and destroying nutrients in greater amounts.
Homogenization has been called “the worst thing dairymen have done to milk.” Homogenization filters and presses milk fats at 4,000 pounds per square inch, which causes a reduction of size of fat globules. This process oxidizes milk fats making them carcinogenic and toxic to the body.
Homogenization causes a release of an enzyme, Xanthine Oxidase, which is harmful once artificially broken down into a smaller state. Xanthine Oxidase has been shown to adhere to arterial walls and is identified as causative in heart disease.
Because raw milk proteins are digested in the presence of milk enzymes, the process of pasteurization and homogenization destroys these natural biological processes. The human digestive tract often recognizes these damaged milk proteins as antigens and the body may mount an immune response. This is a primary reason why pasteurized dairy is associated with mucous production, leaky gut, allergies and autoimmune processes.
Because of the enormous economic power of big commercial dairies, raw dairy is illegal for commercial sale in most U.S. states. Sadly, government agencies such as the FDA have been conducting violent raids of raw dairy producers, including small, Amish farms. Many of these raids occur with agents drawing guns and confiscating the products. The only way this ignorance will stop is by people demanding raw dairy and refusing to purchase the imitation. Please write to your congressmen and women and tell them to support the sale of healthy, raw dairy in your state.
#8: Food Additives are Safe
In neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock’s phenomenal book ‘Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills’, we learn that food additives such as MSG and Aspartame can become primary causes of cancer, neuron degeneration, seizures, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, can mock symptoms of multiple sclerosis and may be at the root of several degenerative conditions.
Excitotoxins wreak havoc by overstimulating glutamate receptors, causing nerve cell death.
If the FDA were really interested in protecting the public’s health, they would have outlawed the use of poisons such as MSG, Aspartame and trans fats before being adopted by the food industry. Instead the FDA is allows the proliferation of pharmaceutical poisons and these food additives.
The worst part about MSG, aspartame and the FDA cover-up is that the food industry uses more than 40 different names to disguise MSG! Even if the package says ‘No MSG’, the product will still contain MSG if ingredients such as ‘Autolyzed Yeast Extract’ or ‘Sodium Caseinate’ are used.
#7: Mercury-Containing Dental Amalgams are Safe
The amalgam cover-up will go down in history as the most blatant and obvious form of criminal incompetence that dentistry has ever been engaged in. Mercury is one of the most insidiously toxic substances on planet earth and conventional dentistry has been using it in practice since the early 18th century.
Each ‘silver’ filling actually contains 50% mercury, and a list of toxic alloys including copper and nickel. Every time you chew food, brush your teeth, and swallow, mercury outgasses from those fillings and makes their way into your brain, nervous system, endocrine system, lymphatic tissue, and other organs.
The University of Calgary researched the effects of dental mercury on neuron degeneration in 1997. It only took trace amounts of mercury exposure to cause death to brain neurons. Leading holistic and biological dentists such as Hal Huggins have been lambasted by the establishment for becoming strong advocates against mercury fillings. They have put their careers on the line, lost their licenses to practice dentistry and have beome pariahs of an industry that is responsible for countless human suffering.
The FDA and the ADA are the leaders of the dental amalgam calvary. Industry rules prohibit dentists from telling patients about the dangers of amalgams, a sickening and morose game of ‘shut your face or we’ll revoke your license’. The conspiracy against your health continues to bring you endless cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Exhaustion, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, cancer, heart disease, and an endless list of symptoms induced by mercury poisoning.
#6: GMO’s Are Safe
Now that the food industry, including the organic food movement has been infiltrated by the biotech and genetic engineering monoliths, it is obvious who stands to gain from the introduction of genetically modified foods. It is also obvious who stands to become the ‘cattle to be fattened’: you the consumer.
After reading the book ‘Seeds of Deception’ by Jeffrey Smith, it is all too obvious that the cultivation and ingestion of GMO’s is extremely dangerous, completely untested and will result in unknown damage to human and wildlife species.
Monsanto has been voted the world’s most hated corporation and for damn good reasons. Monsanto leads the charge in the genetically modified foods movement. This is the same corporation who brought you Agent Orange and the same corporation who is resonsible for the death of millions of Indian farmers.
The studies conducted on rats in the late 90’s by scientist Arpad Pusztai proved to be the most significant study on the dangerous health effects of genetically modified foods. Rats fed GM foods experienced diminished immune system function, including damaged immune organs such as the thymus. These offspring of rats fed GM potatoes suffered reproductive damage, had enlarged pancreases and intestines. The proliferation of cells in these organs increased their risk of cancer.
Pusztai became the most important scientist in Europe in the late 90’s, as his research became the foundation for nearly all of Europe banning GMO’s.
In the United States, the story is quite different. GMO’s continue to fill the marketplace, and virtually every grocery store in the U.S. carries foods with GMO’s or meat from animals fed GMO’s.
#5: The Current Model of Healthcare is All About ‘Health’
Symptom-based, allopathic medical care is a flawed approach. Throwing pills at people for their health issues is flawed by design. Ironically there is no such thing as health in our current, conventional model of healthcare. Our current model of healthcare is all about surgery, disease maintenance, vaccines and endless drug after drug. In this twisted system, there is no talk about prevention, real-patient centered nutrition or modalities outside of the sick care system itself.
Osteopathic doctor Larry Malerba points out that modern medicine is more like a dogmatic religion than it is objective and science-based.
A real model of healthcare would involve viewing each patient as highly individual and unique, addressing the importance of nutrition, vitamin and mineral therapy, and prevention. Sadly, tthere is very little money in health and in preventative healthcare. If people were really healthy, there would be little need for doctors, ridiculously expensive exams and testing, endless drugs and incompetent doctors who are responsible for more malpractice and death than any disease.
It is quite clear that the entire model and structure of western-based medical practice has got to go.
#4:There are No Cures for Cancer Besides Chemo & Radiation
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death, but really, toxic cancer treatments are responsible for more deaths than cancer itself! The cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar cartel which beleives in poisoning people rather than curing them. This is why one of the primary side effects of chemotherapy is cancer.
The truth is that there have been numerous, powerful and successful alternative cancer treatments. Cancer industry terrorists have revoked the medical licenses of many alternative cancer doctors who successfully cured cancer. This was true for the brilliant Emanuel Revici, MD. Revici was an astounding mind who developed a lipid-based model of cancer treatment which invloved curing cancer and other diseases with very basic formualtions. Revici was one of the first physicians to use essential fatty acids to treat cancer, and he was the first physician to demonstrate the potency of selenium, especially with anaerobic cancers.
Revici practiced through his late 90’s and lived to be 102. He and his staff had their medical licenses revoked in his late 1980’s and battled government and industry leading medical terrorists.
There have been and are several other very successful alternative cancer doctors, all of whom experienced terrorism from the conventional medical cartels. Some of the most influential alternative cancer doctors who were persecuted on the holy alter of western medicine: William Donald Kelley, DDS, Max Gerson, MD, Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, Johanna Budwig, PhD.
#3: Fluoride: Smile, Your Government Loves You
Water fluoridation is one of the most insidious acts of forced chemical inundation that has taken place in the history of civilization. The fluoride that is dumped into municipal water supplies is the result of industrial waste from the nuclear/uranium, phosphate, aluminum and metal industries.
Sodium fluoride is a drug that is being prescribed to the entire U.S. population without consent. Holistic dentist Lina Garcia states emphatically that the use of fluoride being safe, whether topical or through ingestion, is a “dangerous myth”. Fluoride has been shown to adversely affect the reproductive system. Animal studies have repeatedly found that high fluoride levels can damage sperm, reduce sperm count, and increase the rate of infertility in a number of different species.
Water fluoridation, by way of the help from Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, has allowed American industry to conveniently dispose of its waste products. Bernays in the 1940’s and 50’s was a key individual who taught industry leaders how to convince government agencies that fluoride should be added to municipal water supplies.
It is widely known that water fluoridation became popularized during the Manhattan project, when the U.S. military began mining uranium. Fluoride is used to enrich uranium and is an important component to the creation of the atomic bomb. 1940’s nuclear propaganda was directed at convincing municipalities who existed near nuclear plants that fluoride was not only good, but necessary! Of all of the toxic substances found in the earth like mercury, aluminum and lead, fluoride is the most abundant. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), sodium fluoride is particularly the most toxic form of fluoride, in addition so is fluorosilicate acid and sodium silicofluoride.
Even though the EPA admits that sodium fluoride is toxic, damages and can destroy crops, plants, wildlife, livestock and even can put holes through rocks, the EPA maintains that fluoride is safe for human consumption. How’s that for science?
Fluoride industrial giant ALCOA funded Kettering Labs to back its need for scientific research regarding the ‘safety” of fluoride. “A book by Kettering scientist and Reynolds Metals consultant E.J. Largent, for example, written in part to “aid industry in lawsuits arising from fluoride damage,” became a basic international reference work.”
Most European nations refuse to add sodium fluoride to tap water. Germany: “Generally, in Germany fluoridation of drinking water is forbidden…The argumentation of the Federal Ministry of Health against a general permission of fluoridation of drinking water is the problematic nature of compulsory medication.” -Gerda Hankel-Khan, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany, September 16, 1999.
Fluoride poisoning results in dental fluorosis, yellowing of the teeth. Sodium fluoride poisoning also can result in numerous health issues such as:
- Thyroid & endocrine dysfunction
- Heart disease
- Kidney Dysfunction
- Blood sludge, the clumping of red blood cells
- Reproductive Harm
#2: Injecting Neurotoxins into Your Body Is Safe & Is a Great Way to Prevent Disease
Not only do most vaccinations contain neurotoxic and immune-supprresive agents like mercury, aluminum, chemicals, formaldehyde, and various antigens, but 23 common vaccines have also been cultured using the DNA of aborted human fetal tissue.
Whistleblowing retired senior pharmaceutical scientist Helen Ratajczak believes that the human DNA in vaccines is a primary cause of autism spectrum disorder.
Traditional, non-modernized cultures like the Amish and Menonites have very few reported cases of autism, as well as very low incidences of degenerative diseases. They do not vaccinate.
If you review the anthropological research work of Weston A. Price, you will read about the fact that cultures that maintained healthy, ancestral diets were virtually free of any modern diseases and plagues, including tuberculosis. It is a powerful testament to the force and impact that proper nutrition has on human health.
#1: Cholesterol Causes Heart Disease
The biggest lie in medical history is the one that is the most profitable. Cholesterol lowering drugs are the most financially profitable class of drugs in medical history.
Mainstream allopathic medicine is adept at using propaganda techniques. Propaganda: that is exactly how to describe the fear-inducing drug adds on TV, the fraudulent studies that are funded by the drug cartels, the billions that are spent to pump out pill happy MD’s. Mainstream medicine is a catastrophy. The cholesterol parade is the most prevelant propaganda push that has ever existed in medicine.
Cholesterol is known as a sterol. How important is cholesterol? Consider that:
- Every single cell of your body is made from cholesterol
- Cholesterol increases cell membrane integrity
- Every steroid hormone is made from cholesterol
- Cholesterol is essential for Myelin Sheath Development
- Cholesterol is an antioxidant and free radical scavenger
- Your body’s ability to synthesize Vitamin D is dependent on cholesterol
- Cholesterol is necessary for the production of bile and bile acids
- Your immune system needs cholesterol to repair damaged cells. And this is why LDL levels will tend to go up after tooth procedures, surgery as well as when you damage or destroy cells of your body. Cholesterol is transported from the liver to do the repair work. And the same thing happens when your cells are damaged after consuming trans fats, refined sugars, processed foods and neurotoxic substances like mercury and fluoride. Your body increases its production of cholesterol in order to repair damaged cells. This is one scenario that will contribute to the elevation of cholesterol. in essence, the body is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing. Cholesterol is a response to inflammation, not a cause of it!
There is no such thing as good and bad cholesterol. These are names that were created in order to confuse patients and to scare them into taking dangerous cholesterol lowering drugs. Consider that next to water, there is nothing more important to your body than cholesterol.
Statin Drugs Can Cause Hemolytic Anemia & Worse
Since cholesterol comprises the cell membranes of ALL the cells in the body, insufficient amounts of cholesterol can result in cells which lack structural integrity. In such conditions., cells can literally fall apart in the blood, a process called hemolysis. Hemolytic anemia can result in a cascade of health conditions such as a reduction of blood platelets, low white cells count, vaginal bleeding, loss of consciousness, dizziness, fatigue, liver dysfunction,
Many studies point to what Harlan Krumholz, MD states candidly: “The people with the highest cholesterol live the longest.”