I cannot emphasize how important and valuable a daily food diary is for listening to your body. I have witnessed how my clients that maintain a regular food diary make enormous strides in their health. When I assess a person’s Metabolic Type, I find that a daily food diary provides me with some of the most important and insightful information to determine their nutritional needs.
In many cases, looking at 7 days of carefully constructed food diary entries will provide me with more insight than a pile of laboratory tests.
Your Body Knows How to Be Healthy
Put aside your intellectual understanding of human health. Chances are you believe many things that don’t apply to your own body. Once you begin recording and monitoring how you feel after you eat various foods, you will be amazed at what you have discovered.
Keeping a daily food diary is so valuable because it teaches you to listen to your body. A good food diary will challenge you by asking questions like:
- “How is your mood, energy and mental clarity after eating each meal?”
- Did your previous meal provide you with lasting energy and a sense of well being?
- Did you need a snack before your next meal?
- How many hours elapsed before becoming hungry?
These are very important questions to ask yourself. Not only are they a doorway into becoming vigilant toward your food responses and reactions, they are a doorway into your unique Metabolic Type and your body’s highly individual needs.
After completing a daily food diary for 5-7 days, my clients have come to me in amazement, thanking me for helping them to figure out why they have food cravings, losses of energy in the middle of the afternoon and why certain foods made them feel energized and others depleted them.
Embrace The Power
As a gift, I am providing you with THIS valuable tool to monitor your body’s own food responses. This is the same food diary that I use with all of my clients. I hope that it provides you with as much valuable insight as it has for me and the clients that I work with.
There are 2 food diaries provided in the above link, one for women and one for men. Change to either one by clicking on the options at the bottom left of the page.