Over the years we have had the pleasure of working with so many amazing clients and peers in the natural health industry. We are grateful to have gotten some wonderful feedback.
“I had the pleasure of working with Michael over the course of a year. Though I never met him in person, I was able to work with him in depth and through this work, I resolved some long-standing and debilitating health problems (digestive issues; chronic stress; insomnia; anxiety/panic, etc). Michael has a tremendous amount of knowledge and insight into the functioning of the human body. He relentlessly seeks out the root causes of disease, and his functional approach affords a level of health that might otherwise be unattainable.
As a researcher by nature, I also appreciated Michael’s generosity with his time and his willingness to engage with my own thought processes and hypotheses about the issues I was dealing with. This afforded a rich dialogue that quickly led me to increased health and wellbeing. In short, Michael was an incredible resource for me and I highly recommend him to anyone who is experiencing health problems.”
-Pete Aston
“Michael has impressed me as one of the new generation of clinical nutritionists who is actually doing his homework and also working in the trenches along with us old school CN’s. He is a shining example of the new guard. He has great enthusiasm and intelligence and has surpassed his earlier mentors with his skills.”
-David Vaughn, CN, CEO FoodPharmacy Software
“Michael and his knowledge of nutrition have helped me overcome some menstruation problems related to hormones. With his guidance, I’ve been able to reduce symptoms of PMS, as well as cramping during menstruation. His natural approach has given me better options than using convention prescriptions that haven’t worked, or had made my problems worse. I struggle with having endometriosis, and some of my symptoms have improved. I never thought that was a possibility as I’ve struggled with pain and suffering for so long. I’m very grateful for his care and knowledge in helping me make my situation better.”
-Ann M, Illinois
“I actually do not recall exactly how I came to find Michael McEvoy’s site several years ago. What i do know is at that point in my journey to health I was a novice, desperately wading in a sea of health and wellness information, and having a lot of trouble trying to make sense of it all. Michael helped to guide me on the right path, and helped to open my eyes to information that would prove to be invaluable on my journey of healing. When i first contacted Michael i was suffering from acne, psoriasis, adrenal fatigue, liver toxicity, anxiety, and a slew of digestive issues.
Three years later I am free of every single one of these problems. Michael helped me to understand the crucial importance of eating for ones Metabolic type. I went to him often, with all kinds of questions, and he would always point me in the right direction. I always refer anyone who is serious about healing themselves to him. His knowledge is vast, and he is truly invested and passionate about what he does. If you are willing to put in the effort, he can guide you to thriving health, which is what i so gratefully get to experience every day now thanks to his help.”
-Antonia L, Massachusetts
“I began eating the foods for my type on day 1, which also happened to be a five days before my typical PMS symptoms- bloating, headache, cramps, irritability. Not only do I feel much better all-around, I was shocked when my PMS symptoms didn’t show up at all!”
-Rachael Martin, Portland, OR
“Michael McEvoy is in his own class as far as students I’ve trained in microscopy and nutrition. Michael combines a deep knowledge of nutrition and health with a tremendous passion to help people learn how to heal themselves. Michael has an amazing ability to integrate new information into his nutrition and wellness programs and the intuition of how to apply this knowledge to each person he works with. He has given me the greatest gift a teacher could receive, he has become an exceptional teacher himself and has helped many people improve their health.”
-James Jordan, JD, CNC, CMTA
“I met Michael thru a mutual friend of ours. At the time I was experiencing recurring bouts with Gout in both feet. I knew from previous doctor visits that Gout inflammations had alot to do with diet and nutrition. The pain was almost debilitating, not to mention very frustrating as I have 2 young children to look after and care for. Making matters a bit more complicated, I received a kidney transplant in Dec. 2008 so there were special circumstances that had to be considered when crafting my personal diet and nutrition plan.
In the 4 weeks since our first meeting, I lost 15lbs and felt better and healthier than ever. The Gout attacks had subsided. This was truly a total lifestyle change for me. Not only am I eating better, but my family is eating better. And for that I am eternally grateful to Michael. His vast knowledge of body chemistry and his ability to explain it so simply and clearly is truly a gift from God. He has opened my eyes and challenged me to confront my fears. My life will never be the same. I am truly honored to call him a friend.”
-Brandon Crawford, CA
“Before Michael’s supplements and food plans my husband and I could have been getting very ill. He was taking blood pressure meds and I may have been heading for trouble also.
The electrolyte solution, HCL, celtic sea salt and the other supplements have improved our health. Michael said that the key thing is to focus on maintaining normal functions of digestion, hydration, assimilation and elimination. If those functions can be improved, many issues can work themselves out.My husband is now coming off of his blood pressure meeds, and the doctor also gave him a special kind of test to see if he still has diabetes. Since he eats very little grain and starch now, his diabetes has improved a lot.
What made sense to us were all those informative articles that Michael writes. The articles seemed accurate to us because of our own experiences with our health in the past, so we started reading them and found the information amazing. Nothing he does is invasive. Eating for our metabolic type, cooking under a low heat and the food-based supplements really work and maybe someday that may be all anyone needs to do to keep healthy. Thanks again Michael!”
-Carol W., Il.
“Metabolic Type Nutrition with Michael McEvoy has drastically improved my quality of life. When I came to Michael I had been a (Lacto)Vegetarian for 3 years. I had subscribed to what I felt was a very “healthy” diet. Despite my efforts to eat right, I was having violent blood sugar crashes with severe dizziness, my meals could not sustain me for more than an hour or two. I was fighting off cravings for sugar and fatty foods constantly, and my digestion was erratic.
After the assessment sessions, Michael determined that I was a Fast-Oxidizing Protein type and recommended specific dietary guidelines for me. He also helped me to understand the important roles each nutrient plays for my specific metabolic needs, which is different for everyone.
After two months on the protein-type meal plan I feel full of vitality and energy. My meals sustain me for hours, I have NO blood sugar crashes, and I am so much more aware of how individual foods affect me.I highly recommend Metabolic Type Nutrition with Michael, it has really improved my life.”
-Benjamin Newman, Santa Cruz, California
“I want to thank you for the amazing contributions you’ve made to my health and my son’s health! If it weren’t for you, my son would be condemned to taking immune-destroying prescription medications, and so would I. We are both doing great as a result of your expertise. Thank you!!!!”
-Maggie Curran, FL
“Thank you Michael. I have been taking the supplements you recommended and I have been ‘pain free’ for about a month now. I hope my year of pain is over. I will keep learning and seeking so bad habits won’t bring another year like the one I’ve had. I am grateful I met you because of this seeking, you have been a blessing!”
-M. Barger, VA
“I collapsed at the beginning of this year. I was always cold, my mind was slow, everything felt overwhelming, I couldn’t sleep well, and I had wild surges of adrenaline running through my body twenty or thirty times a day. I became allergic to every single grain, and vinegar, too, and migraines were frequent and vicious. I was so weak I couldn’t work. One mild little walk would exhaust me for two days. At one point, I had to go to the ER, I was so ill. I was diagnosed with thyroid deficiency, and thyroid medication helped with feeling cold and slow, but not with all the rest.
I figured out that I must have adrenal exhaustion, but three MDs I went to said I was testing fine in all their measures, that I just needed to “sleep more” and maybe take anxiety medication. One MD gave me an expensive drug for migraines, that just postponed the headache. I tried acupuncture, but that didn’t help. Michael, and Metabolic Type Nutrition has put me on the road to wellness.
Exactly six months ago, he gave me a way to eat, and supplements to put my body back into balance. I have followed his advice, and I started making progress right away. I am now well on my way to recovering my stamina and my strength. My mind is clear, my memory has improved, my energy is good. I sleep 8 hours a night, which I haven’t been able to do since I was in my 30s! I can work, I can play. His theory and practice works.
In addition, Michael has been the most responsive practitioner I’ve ever come across–encouraging, and willing to help resolve difficulties as they crop up. I owe my health and my optimism to Michael’s understanding. He is a dedicated professional with an approach that has great healing power.”
-Patricia Wipfler, Palo Alto, CA
“For many years, I have explored an array of diets, from low-fat to low-carb to gluten-free to dairy-free to vegetarian to Ayurvedic. Every one of them left me low on energy, or clouded in a mental funk, or not feeling satisfied. I felt like I was forcing myself to eat foods I didn’t naturally crave, ones that made me feel bloated or sick or wanting more. Thankfully, these experiences are in the past.
Michael McEvoy has shined a light on my food life, and now I understand how to treat my body with food. I don’t have to think so hard about what to eat because the answers have been inside me the whole time. Michael McEvoy helps reveal these answers to you, and does so with more care, time, and dedication than any medical doctor I’ve seen. Eating according to my metabolic type has brought harmony to my emotions, to my physical form, and to my mind and soul. I would recommend the nutrition advice of Michael McEvoy to anyone who wants to walk the path of health, naturally, and with ease.”
-Liz Lux, Mckinleyville, CA
“Having just had the fascinating and educational experience of Metabolic Type Nutrition Testing and Consultation with Michael McEvoy, I strongly recommend it to others. I learned more about my nutritional self in a couple of hours than I have in years of reading and researching. Books are great, but to get to know YOU and your SPECIFIC nutritional processes, you got to spend some time with Michael! It is a life changing experience.”
-Jamie Jones, Santa Cruz, CA
“My hypoglycemia symptoms have resolved nearly completely after I consulted with Michael and changed the way I eat. Do it! Worth every cent. This guy knows his stuff.”
-Keri Welter, Winmalee, Australia
“Me and my family are still sitting around the table talking and processing all of the bountiful information that you graciously and eloquently brought into our home. Your energy is full and life giving. Your honest search for truth has and will manifest into the new order of living. You are a true alchemist delivering the elixir of liquid gold. I am humbled and so grateful. You are a fantastic educator on many frontiers. You really flipped a switch in all of my children and their dad. There is no turning back now. I so appreciate your effort, skill and beauty. Priceless.Thank you, thank you, thank you a thousand times.”
-Gina Marinelli, Santa Cruz, California
“I began working with Michael on Metabolic Type Nutrition just over two months ago. I began eating the foods for my type the same day of my initial consultation, which also happened to be a critical time for me. It was approximately five days before the typical time of “normal” PMS symptoms. Those symptoms included bloating, sinus pressure, water retention, anxiety, and plenty of brain chatter (unfocused thinking). Eating the foods, and eating them in the order discussed with Michael, made me feel better within days, I was impressed by how quickly my sinus pressure disappeared. Best of all, my PMS symptoms did not show up at all. I became convinced that I was eating right for my type when I experienced the same PMS free cycle the following month.
I should note that I have had a few days where I was unable to eat the foods that are best for my type. During those days, I have felt the sinus pressure and the unbalance of blood sugar through anxiety and headaches. As soon as I return to eating what is right for me, the symptoms disappear.”
-Marcia Sivek, Cupertino, California
“My digestion process feels normal again. No pain or bloating after eating. Weight loss is starting to occur, down 5 lbs. in less that 2 weeks. I Feel very satisfied after eating for my type of metabolism. I Don’t crave sugars. After drinking green juices, I get very hungry so I know it is helping rev up my metabolism.”
-Sheri Bell Coats, TX
“So far I’ve been following the plan pretty well! I’ve been feeling just great. My energy and mood are much better, my PMS was almost nonexistent, and I haven’t been as hungry as I usually am.
I also had a birthday dinner party to go to this Saturday. I ended up eating way more high carb foods than I was supposed to and woke up the next day feeling awful!! Although I hated that I felt so awful, it was a nice realization that I really need to stick to the meal plan in order to feel better. It was amazing, I woke up feeling hungover (without drinking more than one glass of wine!) and almost ‘sick’. My brain fog and mood swings also came back full force.”
-Jasmine, Chicago
“I wanted to say that the main thing I have noticed is that the metabolic food chart is absolutely great at helping me control my hunger. If I eat according to it, my hunger level and energy level feels great and totally under my control. “
-Ryan Todd, Santa Cruz, CA
“When I met Michael McEvoy I weighed 198 lbs, felt tired, needed to take a 2 hour nap daily, was bloated, achey, itchy scalp and I had to constantly snack to maintain my energy.
After having a consultation, Michael determined I was a protein type. Michael suggested that I should eat raw meat, raw dairy and vegetables with every meal. After having been a pseudo vegetarian for 10 years , I reluctantly took his advice. Within one week of following his guidelines, I noticed that my energy level increased and I felt more grounded, was more relaxed and had more vitality. By the end of the second month while eating right for my type of metabolism, and eliminating wheat and all grains, I lost 25 pounds. Going on my third month I weigh 30 pounds less, I am awake 16 hours a day without napping, and no need for snacking. highly recommend Metabolic Typing with Michael without hesitation.”-Jahni Misja, Holistic Health Practitioner and Shamanic Healer, Santa Cruz, CA
“No one I am aware of is doing it quite this way! Michael quickly identified my “metabolic identity”, described changes I could make (with lists suited for my type) and then phone conferenced with me as needed to insure success. He has been my one stop-shop to appropriate eating. Interestingly, I seem to be developing a clear picture of the relationship between what I eat and my moods. Felt changes within first week. Three weeks and there was no turning back.”
-Jim Otto, Chicago, Illinois
“The year I turned 33 my health declined quickly with no obvious explanation. I practice yoga 6-7 days per week and ate what I though was healthy for me. However I still experienced fatigue, nasal congestion, eczema, hives, frequent colds, body aches and cramps. The food diary Michael made me keep was a very valuable tool for me to understand how certain foods affected my moods and my body immediately after eating them. Within a week of being on the Carb Type Nutrition plan, I felt more energetic, my skin condition and quality of sleep improved. I no longer experienced nasal congestion and mucous build-up.
I later learned that certain foods which were not compatible for my type of metabolism caused muscle inflammation and nerve pain in my arms.
I am now aware of the cause and effect of food on my health. My body is so sensitive to incompatible foods, that I notice negative effects in my body immediately after consuming them. Thank you Michael for your help, and all of your continued support.”
-Nikki Wong, San Jose, CA
“Taking a friend of mine’s advice to see Michael for a metabolic type analysis and coaching was a brilliant decision made. After our meeting about a month ago, where the metabolic type of my specific body was thoroughly explained, my dietary habits have really shifted to the benefit of my newly increased and sustained energy levels, and overall greater sense of satisfaction with every meal. My irritating late night sugar cravings have subsided, and I’ve awakened every day with a sense of recharged energy. Perhaps the greatest part of the analysis has been the ease I’ve found in following the dietary suggestions. My body feels wonderful, and these results came fast. I’m so grateful for my friend’s advice who recommended that I see Michael, and I am still reminded daily of the benefits of understanding my body in this new way.”
-Jenna Jeantet, Santa Cruz, California
“Michael, thank you very much for our meeting, our talk and all your advice. It felt very good speaking about my situation and problems related to nutrition. Everything we spoke about has been very interesting, helpful and even surprising (would have never thought how bad soy was for my health). I feel very well informed now and I am sure the change of my eating habits will improve my functional metabolic type and do very well for me.”
-Jana Jeglinski, Santa Cruz, California
“I am doing well. I have lost 5 lbs. so far. My menstrual cycle was great. I didn’t have any cramps prior to starting and it only lasted for 4 days. Before I began eating right for my metabolism my cycle was 2 weeks with a lot of cramping.”
-Lisa Belvoir, Felton, California
“I have had poor digestion, an upset stomach, allergic reactions to food and low energy issues since I was a boy. Over the years of conscious living I have modified my diet many times at the suggestion of many competent medical and healing practitioners. None of the changes were overwhelming. Some I stuck with, but none have ever made me feel great.
I immediately felt better after trying to adopt the Protein Type Meal Plan for my Metabolic Type. I noticed an increase in mental clarity, reduced fatigue, a quiet stomach, the ability to go longer without eating, a decrease of body fat and an overall sense of well being.
I can clearly feel the difference in how the ORDER in which I eat affects me. I know I will continue to eat this way for the rest of my life, and that my life will be fuller and more complete because of it. Eating for your Metabolic Type Nutrition allows you to be more completely alive.
You have the power to give you body what it needs, not just whatever happens to be around. Through years of self-discovery I have always felt that there was something seriously lacking in my body, but I was never able to pinpoint it. I now see it is a combination of WHAT I eat and the ORDER in which I eat it. Thanks to everybody who has brought this information into the world, we need it.”
-Greg Owen, Seattle, Washington
“Thank you once again for all of your care, with you I believe I have a bright chance of getting better and at the moment you are the only one who can give this to me. I am really the gladdest person in the world to have met you.”
-Daniel Bencik, Prague, Czech Republic
“Michael, I want to thank you for talking to me about my blood tests, even late at night after yoga! You were the first one who did, even before the doctors. The doctors who ordered the tests never even discussed results with me! I had to ask the questions, and could not have done it without YOU! Your knowledge of the tests and nutrition is very impressive. I really appreciate your time and help!”
-Beverly Helm, Chicago, Illinois
“Michael, all the suggestions you have given me have been right and have helped my health improve a great deal. I can’t thank you enough.
I have been much more strict with my diet recently, and the progress I have seen has been quite convincing that dietary fats are great for my type. I am very motivated to eat healthy and act on all your suggestions since they have changed the way I feel.I now have more energy and can do more physical activity during my day. My sleep has also improved since I began taking calcium citrate at night. My cramps have lessened and I became regular with my cycle which I know is a good thing. Overall I feel a ton better when I eat right for my type of metabolism. When I follow my diet I am happier. My whole system including menstruation is smoother.”
-Elisa Rothbloom, Chicago, Illinois