The Endocrine Journey: Steroidal Hormones & Their Pathways
Hormones are cell messengers that carry important signals to different cells in the body. There can be a lot of things that go wrong in their communication, and these problems…
Hormones are cell messengers that carry important signals to different cells in the body. There can be a lot of things that go wrong in their communication, and these problems…
The incidence of thyroid conditions has been on the rise for decades. Active thyroid hormone is found inside of every cell of the body, and it is this reason that…
Adrenal fatigue has become a standardized term in the alternative health world. And with good reason too. Excess adrenal output and diminished adrenal output can both be primary issues that…
Functional lab testing can be critical in order to understand imbalance in the body. The salivary hormone test can yield very important information regarding the 7 major steroid hormones. The…
Last week I wrote an article on how hypothyroidism can be directly caused by depleted adrenal glands. We looked at causative factors such as: Toxicity such as mercury and fluoride…
Meditation is a conscious practice of awareness of oneself. It is the deliberate practice of detaching from the ordinary activities of the conscious mind and engaging faculties of the mind…
Its adrenal time. The amount of demand placed upon the adrenal glands due to modern day stress factors is immense and unprecedented. Stress can be identified as having both internal…
Adrenal fatigue has become somewhat of an umbrella term in functional medicine. On the surface, it isn’t quite clear what is meant by adrenal fatigue. We can say that dysfunction…
Hypothyroidism is becoming an epidemic. Some studies indicate that as many as 40% of the population has some degree of hypothyroidism. Low thyroid functioning results in a metabolism that is…
Blood tests can provide a lot of important data regarding a person’s health if the tests are interpreted correctly. If you’ve been following my posts regarding blood chemistry over the…