The Forgotton Fundamentals of Health
With the incredible amount of information that exists regarding human health, it is all too easy to overlook the importance of the most basic functions and necessities of the human…
With the incredible amount of information that exists regarding human health, it is all too easy to overlook the importance of the most basic functions and necessities of the human…
Recently I have been hearing horror stories from numerous people regarding the harmful effects of dental mercury on their health. People have been telling me about the complex array of…
pYour liver is an amazing organ. It produces more than 500 vital functions. It is a massive organ responsible for so many biological processes and functions that I’ve been intimidated…
Municipal tap water tends to be loaded with toxic particulate. This can range from heavy metals like lead and mercury to volatile chemicals such as sodium fluoride, bromine and chlorine.…
Elevated Cardio C-Reactive Protein is one of the primary markers for heart disease risk factor. In my opinion, Cardio CRP is a much greater risk factor indicator than cholesterol values.…
The cortisol to DHEA ratio is believed to be so important to your health, that numerous functions in the body are deficient without it. Cortisol and DHEA are both powerful…
Many people are physically, mentally and emotionally addicted to coffee. Coffee is a powerful drug that can create dependency, and this is illustrated by the fact that withdrawl from it…
Conventional medical diagnostics still fails to recognize adrenal fatigue as a real problem. Tell this to the millions of people who suffer from depleted adrenal function, chronic fatigue and symptoms…
We’ve all heard about them. Many of us have bought into the hype. Some of us have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on products. Some people have experienced remarkable…
Dental health is a critical component to your health. The health of your teeth, jaw and gums is reflective of your body’s overall health. The hazards and dangers of conventional…