If you have explored the various approaches, diets and modalities of alternative healthcare, you have very likely become aware of how there is so much information that exists you may have become nauseated.
Look online and you are sure to find every possible diet, every possible way of eating, every conceivable argument for every possible type of nutrition. It is absolutely confounding how there can be so many conflicting and dichotomous approaches, dogmas and doctrines. Good luck!
As people pick up information along the way, they begin to formulate beliefs and ideas and end up amassing a brain full of random health-related clutter. It becomes a sort of “choose your own adventure” of human health.
But I have a very important question: How much of the information that you have collected actually applies to you? How do you know that your adopted belief systems are based in actuality?
After all, if your belief systems do not serve you and do not actually result in an improved level of health, how applicable is the information?
As a practicing nutritional consultant who works with many clients, I find that one of the biggest obstacles that many people struggle to overcome is the belief systems that they have amassed.
Chances are pretty darn good that if you have a chronic health issue, this should be the clearest sign that what you are currently doing is not working well for you. If you are experiencing an improved level of health and vitality, chances are fairly good that what you have been doing has been working well for you recently.
Being able to look inside of yourself, to face yourself, to assess yourself and to see your situation takes training. You have been taught by our backwards society to search for knowledge everywhere except inside. If you are going to take nutrition and health seriously, you must undo this backwards conditioning and recognize yourself as authority and develop your intuition.
In a sea of information about health and nutrition, does it not make sense to first know where you are? How can you navigate unless you know yourself well enough? You must have a starting point, and you are that starting point.
Metabolic Typing®: The Doorway of Nutrition That Leads Back To Yourself
I have said it before and I’ll say it again: knowing your Metabolic Type® is the best way to get to know your body’s nutritional needs. Metabolic Typing® isn’t like any other school of nutrition. It isn’t about following a diet that is random. It is about learning your own metabolic tendencies so that you can own your nutritional intuition. I guarantee that your Metabolic Type® will line up succinctly with your body’s basic nutritional needs.
Metabolic Typing® recognizes that we are all highly individual and there is no distinct way of eating that is right for everybody. However each of us has specific nutritional requirements at certain points in our life. And these nutritional requirements can and likely will change. Since the various aspects of our metabolism, and the many influences upon it can and do change, does it not make the most sense to track our metabolic needs?
As we come to learn about Metabolic Typing®, we find that we are really learning about ourselves. In fact, Metabolic Typing® is so accurate because it is based upon mastering our understanding of the most fundamental questions regarding our metabolic tendencies.
Decades of research has gone into making Metabolic Typing® what it is. Once you learn your Metabolic Type® and follow its adjacent recommendations, your nutritional intuition will begin to grow and you will begin to listen to your body in new and important ways.
Metabolic Typing® is NOT the end all solution of your health concerns. There is no such thing. It is however the best starting point and the best foundation, in my opinion. Metabolic Typing® identifies why someone with a particular metabolic tendency has an increased need for certain foods and the vitamins and minerals found in those specific foods. Additionally, it explains WHY that same person has a DECREASED need for other foods and nutrients. If you do not eat in a way that is compatible with your Metabolic Type®, one day you’ll have to “pay the piper” (as William Wolcott founder of Metabolic Typing Healthexcel states).