The Metabolic Typing Healthexcel is based upon the nutrition system formulated by William Wolcott. The Healthexcel system of Metabolic Typing is based upon decades of clinical research and has been in use for more than 25 years. If you are interested in revolutionizing your health, you’ve come to the right place. Healthexcel is based on the principle that the body is designed to be disease free. When working properly, every 100 trillion cells of the body knows exactly what to do. When not functioning, everything seems out of balance.
Metabolic Typing is less concerned with symptom treatment and more concerned with addressing the underlying cause of your health issues. It will identify certain biological characteristics that point to how a person produces energy. Energy production is what health is all about.
The fuel that is required for one person’s optimal health can cause illness in someone else. When energy is produced efficiently in the body, you feel full of energy, mentally clear, physically grounded and alive. If you are interested in your health, these benefits are the fruits of the the Healthexcel system of Metabolic Typing.
Zero-ing in On Exactly What the Problem Is Inside Your Body
Of all the billions of biochemical reactions that take place in the body, all fall under the regulation of a few control mechanisms, called Fundamental Homeostatic Controls (FHC’s).
From the Metabolic Typing model of health, all disease is seen as a symptom that has arisen from a disruption within one or more of the body’s Fundamental Homeostatic Controls (FHC’s). Healthexcel tests for the patterns and dominant factors within the FHC’s.
With the Healthexcel “Advanced” system, 4 FHC’s are tested for. They are:
- Oxidation Rate is the cellular rate of energy production. A person will occupy one of 3 oxidative states: slow, fast or mixed. Cellular metabolism is the fundamental process of how living organisms produce energy from food and oxygen. Identification of the rate of cellular oxidation is of critical importance when determining Metabolic Type.
- Autonomic Nervous System Tendencies. A person will exhibit strengths and weaknesses within the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches. The ANS is the master regulator of metabolism. Identification of the tendencies of the ANS is critical to understand one’s Metabolic Type
- Endocrine Dominance: Thyroid, Pituitary, Adrenal, Gonadal. Endocrine weakness can contribute to weight gain and hormonal imbalances
- Even though Blood Type has little or nothing to do with the foods that a person should eat, your type of blood may contraindicate foods due to how certain foods may cause agglunation (clumping) of red blood cells and impair digestion for individuals.