Inflammation is what initiates destruction of tissues. Inflammation that is unregulated and out of control is a primary cause of autoimmune activity, pain and inflammatory tendencies. The body’s own immune cells initiate the primary cascades of inflammation in the body through the production of what are called eicasanoids.
Eicasanoids are what are referred to as lipid mediators, or signalling molecules. Eicasanoids are of 4 types:
- Leukotrienes
- Thromboxanes
- Prostaglandins
- Prostacyclins
Eicasanoids are derived from other omega 6 or omega 3 fatty acids. Unbound, Arachadonic Acid in the tissues, an omega 6 fatty acid is the primary precursor to the pro-inflammatory cascade.
It is important to point out that the inflammatory processes are essential components of the body’s functions and defenses. Without it, infections could not be won, fevers could not be initiated, tissues could not be regenerated from injury and muscle tissue cannot regenerate after physical exertion. The body has a way of preventing the runaway inflammation induced by eicasanoids: its own anabolic defenses. The body can also down regulate excessive inflammatory eicasanoids through certain antioxidants. When the body’s anabolic defenses are diminished, inflammation is unregulated.
Cholesterol is a primary anti-inflammatory lipid, effectively neutralizing the inflammatory cascades. Low levels of cholesterol are primary markers of runaway inflammation.
Free, unbound arachadonic acid is the precursor to the 5-COX and 5-LOX pathways. 5-Cox (cyclooxygenase) generates inflammation via thromboxane, prostaglandin and prostacyclins. 5-LOX (Lipoygenase) generates inflammation through leukotriene.
Inflammatory eicasanoids induce free radical activity, and the destruction of all tissues of the body.
NSAID’s: Toxic & Deadly
Drugs such as NSAID’s and corticosteroids inhibit the inflammatory pathways, however there are toxic effects associated with their use. Steroids inhibit normal immune activation and contribute to bone deteriorization. Other types of anti-inflammatory medications have hepatotoxic effects.
NSAID’s have shown in studies by the American Journal of Gastroenterology to have destructive and deadly effects. These include: ulcers and upper GI bleeding, perforation of the gut and bleeding to death. Studies have shown that 80% of ulcer-related deaths in the US occurred in patients taking an NSAID. The New England Journal Of Medicine estimated that 103,000 deaths per year occur due specifically to NSAID-induced gastrointestinal complications.
Nature’s Botannical Pharmacy
There are a variety of naturally-occurring plants, herbs and medicinal botanicals that powerfully inhibit the inflammatory cascades in the body.
Boswellia powerfully inhibits LOX, leukotriene synthesis. Studies have shown thatboswellia has the potential to inhibit cancer metastases.
Curcumin from turmeric powerfully inhibits both COX and LOX inflammatory cascades, better than aspirin.
Willow bark is a powerful, non-toxic alternative to aspirin.
Quercitin is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme from pineapple is powerfully anti-inflammatory, inhibiting COX inflammatory cascades as well as inhibiting cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha. Cytokines mediate cell death signalling.
Licorice Extract powerfully inhibits blood platelet aggregation.
Improve & Restore Function
Remove the underlying causes of dysfunction in the body and inflammatory cascades are appropriately regulated. Often if the liver is toxic or overburdened, its capacity to clear toxins from the blood is impaired. In addition to this, insufficient cholesterol is a primary marker of unregulated inflammatory cascades in the body. Cholesterol is produced in high amounts by the liver.
Restoring GI mucosal function and intestinal immunity is paramount to normalizing immune function. Studies have shown that normalizing bowel flora has the potential to modulate and prevent autoimmune activation.