Have you got guts? Are you aware that within your intestines resides the first line of defense of your immune system? In fact 80% of your immune system is found in the intestinal mucosal barrier. Keeping the intestinal mucosa healthy is arguably the most important part of maintaining and sustaining a healthy body. There are numerous factors which will compromise the health of your intestinal mucosal barrier. The real scary part is that your gut mucosa may be in the process of breaking down and you might have no symptoms at all!
Gluten & Gliadin Intolerance
Gluten intolernace has become the medical diagnosis of the decade. Both gluten and gliadin can tear apart the gut. Gluten intolerance is often a HUGE factor in the following health conditions:
- Autism
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Thyroid Issues
- Iirritable Bowel Syndrome
- Leaky Gut
- Cancer
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Schizophrenia
- Bi-Polar
- Addiction
- Depression
A person may be intollerant to gluten all of their lives and have no symptoms. 30% of people with Celiac Disease (a genetic inability to digest gluten) don’t have any symptoms! The damaging effects of gluten intolerance and celiac could be going on inside of your gut your entire life without you even knowing about it.
Gliadin is the major glycoprotein in glutenous foods (wheat, barley, rye. Oats don’t contain gluten but they do contain gliadin). When a person has celiac, the body attacks the celiac enzyme called trasglutaminase. This results in volatile inflammatory processes and the reslease of pro-inflammatory cytokines, histamine, leukotrienes and prostaglandins. The destructive result of celiac and other similar autoimmune processes leaves the tiny structures in the gut, such as the villi and micro villi, broken down, and incapable of functioning properly. It can sometimes take years of persistent treatment to heal the gut.
Nearly 30% of people with compromised intestinal immunity will never heal! A warning sign that prevention is critical. If you suffer from any of the above medical conditions, you may have undiagnosed celiac or gluten/gliadin intolerance. And this may be at theroot of your health issues. Contact me learn how you can begin a healing process.
H-Pylori, Yeast & Parasites
These 3 gut offenders can be very unwelcomed guests in your body’s biological terrain, and can in fact result in several complications.
Helicobactor Pylori, called H-Pylori for short is a bacteria that invades various parts of the stomach. It can be responsible for more than 90% of gastric cancers! Over 80% of people with H-Pylori have no symptoms at all! H-Pylori can cause acid reflux, GERD, indigestion, vomiting, belching, and several other symptoms.
There are numerous other forms of bacterial infection that can compromise gut health.
If diagnosed, H-Pylori and other forms of bacteria can be knocked out with powerful, non-drug treatments.
Candida albicans overgrowth is probably the #2 most diagnosed heatlh issue of the decade. It’s important to point out that candida overgrowth is never the underlying problem. Candida albicans is a necessary yeast that colonizes in the gut. Due to toxicity factors such as heavy metals, poor diet, food allergies & sensitivities, candida can certainly overpopulate the gut and wreak havoc.
If candida is an issue for you, avoiding sugar (and most foods that break down rapidly into sugar) and fermented foods are the two most important things to do if you have candida overgrowth. You should hunt down the underlying issues that are causing candida to overgrow in your gut. Email me if you think you have candida and would like to learn about what to do about it.
Parasites will thrive in a person’s body when the internal terrain supports them. Some of the most common parasites are Giardia Lamblia, Blastocystis Hominis and Shigella.
The rules of eliminating the harm from parasites is quite simple: maintain proper gut health and ecology, and the invading species will be eliminated by your immune system.
If you have compromised gut function, low levels of HCL, GERD or other similar conditions, parasites may be living inside of you and releasing excrement into your gut. Not an ideal situation!
Improving Gut Function
The first order of business is to hunt down the offending factors. This involves running some laboratory tests to identify the cause of the problem. Since gut health is the foundation of total body health, it makes perfect sense to hunt down all of the causative factors and to uproot them.
Depending upon what is found: bacterial infection, food allergy, gluten intolerance, parasites, yeast or fungal overgrowth, a very individualized strategy is created. This will involve eating your Metabolically most important foods, eliminating offending foods, and taking some nutritional supplements that aim to improve function in your body.Contact me if you’re interested in mvoing forward with a powerful and intelligent strategy that builds health.