Emanuel Revici, MD was a Romanian-born physician who had traversed the spectrum of human health, chemistry, lipids and physiology in ways never previously seen. Having emerged during the boom of quantum physics during the early and mid-20th century, Dr. Revici’s 77 years of clinical practice was inspired by Albert Einstein and quantum theory. Einstein is attributed as stating: [Revici is] “the greatest mind I had ever met.”
Few have ever heard of Emanuel Revici, MD, yet his discoveries and theories continue to astonish those with an interest in his revolutionary concepts.
Revici’s work is most known for his chemistry of lipids, and the study of various elements and lipids on cell membrane activity. Many of Revici’s discoveries had pre-dated medical science’s recognition by as much as 50 years.
Revici & The Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is a particularly interesting and complex structure. It is a bi-layer comprised of various lipids, which judging by its unique functions, has the capability of allowing certain things into the cells’ cytoplasm and inner compartments, but also having a certain degree of stiffness which both prevents the cell from being damaged from the outer environment, and also providing integrity so that the cell can remain intact. The importance of how permeable and how stiff a cell membrane is cannot be overstated, because it is in fact the balance of lipids that governs what is allowed into the cell and what is kept out of it. Consider that the cell membrane is involved in millions of functions in the body. It is the gateway to how the human body functions.
If the cell membrane is too stiff, it will lack elasticity and consequently oxygen molecules will not be able to get into the cells. This can cause a cells’ functions to go into anaerobic glycolysis, necessarily the inside of the cell generates excess lactic acid and its ability to detoxify is compromised. Out of control anaerobic conditions is precisely the case when cancer cells begin to proliferate. Dr. Revici classified this as “offset anaerobic”, or “anabolic”.
If the cell membrane is too weak, it will lack the necessary stiffness to maintain its integrity. In this situation, Dr. Revici found that cells are far more susceptible to the destructive effects of free radicals. The innner contents of the cells, such as potassium may leak into the serum. This can then greatly impact the electrical charge between potassium and sodium, altering the cells’ ability to conduct energy and to function. Dr. Revici called this “offset dysaerobic”, or “catabolic”.
Significant Discoveries
Dr. Revici is attributed to having made more than 120 significant medical discoveries over the course of his 77 years of clinical practice. Some of the major are:
- Revici was among the first physicians to recognize the significance of omega 3 fatty acids.
- Revici was the first to recognize the significance of the trace mineral selenium, especially selenium’s potent anti-cancer properties.
- Revici had discovered the leukotriene, a pathological fatty acid, which plays a vital role in the inflammatory process in the body’s immune defenses. His discovery of this immune-activated fatty acid pre-dated the official medical discovery by several decades.
- Revici was the first and only known person to categorize the metabolic effects of the elements, and their action upon cell membrane permeability.
Revici’s work was about anabolism and catabolism, cell membrane permeability, which in many ways defines the nature of metabolism.
Dr. Revici classified all lipids as either having an anabolic effect or a catabolic effect. In Revici’s world, the balance of lipids in cell membranes defines the relative permeability of cells. Cells cannot work efficiently if their membranes are too permeable or not permeable enough.
Excessive cell membrane permeability is the result of excesses of fatty acid activity, which is catabolic. According to Dr. Revici, when excessive fatty acids predominate, cells will tend to leak. Dr. Revici noted that in a catabolic state, potassium values will tend to be elevated in the serum. Potassium should be primarily found inside of cells. However, when there is a high amount of catabolic activity, due to excessive amounts of fatty acids and a deficient amount of anabolic lipids, cells will tend to leak potassium. Other values that will tend to appear in catabolic states are: decreased white cell count, low lymphocytes, increased urine specific gravity, decreased urine surface tension, increased urine pH.
Decreased cell membrane permeability is the result of excessive anabolic activity. In excessive anabolic states the cells lack oxygen because the membranes of cells are too stiff and lack permeability. Cholesterol is the primary anabolic lipid in cell membranes. In anabolic states there is not enough fatty acid activity. According to Dr. Revici, in the serum, high amounts of anabolism is indicated by low potassium, high white blood cell count, and in the urine by low specific gravity and decreased urine pH.
Revici & Cancer
Dr. Revici was a pioneer in chemistry and lipid-based cancer therapies, whose toxicity unlike conventional methods was negligent. Revici’s unique interpretation of the periodic table of the elements and its applicability to human physiology allowed him to develop therapeutic, lipid and mineral-based, non-toxic formulations. These therapeutic lipids, when administered in the correct manner have powerful effects on the metabolism of the body.
Recognizing that cancer was either functioning as “anaerobic” (imbalanced anabolic) or “dysaerobic” (imbalanced catabolic), his focus was on shifting the individual’s chemistry so that the cancer was not able to survive.
Dr. Revici’s study of chemistry and lipids led to his discovery that elements and lipids act upon the cell membrane permeability in a particular way. An example of Revici’s discoveries is that the trace mineral selenium showed to have a potent “anti-anabolic” effect at the cellular level, especially when delivered in a “bi-valent”, “negative” form, such as in diselenide. Certain fatty acids, such as the composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in sesame oil also were found to have a potent anti-anabolic effect. This combination of negative valent selenium bound with sesame oil and 3-Heptanone became a potent Revici formulation with powerful antineoplastic, anti-anabolic activity, when administered orally or intramuscularly at sites of pain or physiopathology.
Dr. Revici had re-interpreted the periodic table of the elements, and by doing so, gained a greater understanding of how elements behave in the human body. The mineral zinc, for example displays significant anabolic effects at the cellular level. When off balanced dysaerobic (catabolic) states are present, zinc increases anabolic activity, especially when coupled with an anabolic lipid such as glycerol, or certain amino alcohols.
The applicability of Revici’s theories and discoveries extend far beyond any one disease.
Revici’s Biological Hiearchy of Organization & The Progression of Stages of Cancer
Dr. Revici defined the hierarchy of biological organization in its various parts, from the smallest to the largest: Sub-Nuclear, Nuclear, Cellular, Tissular, Organ/Metazoic and Systemic. Through his research, Revici determined the anabolic/catabolic effect of how elements behave in each of the different layers of organization. An example is that calcium has strong catabolic activity at the cellular level, but magnesium has catabolic activity at the tissular levels. Zinc is anabolic at the cellular level, but Chlorine is strongly anabolic at the level of the tissues (see photo).
Depending upon the offset imbalance at the particular level of organization, Revici would administer a specific lipid-bound element. So if the person had anabolic offbalance at the cellular level, the administration of negative selenium and a fatty acid would be given. Or if the offbalance was catabolic at the cellular level, the administration of anabolic zinc bound to an anabolic lipid would be given. Or if anaerobic conditions exist at the level of the tissues, Revici methodology may administer magnesium thiosulfate. Both magnesium and sulphur have “catabolic” effects at the tissue level.
It is important to point out that this type of work and thinking is unprecedented.
With cancer, Revici had a categorization of the progression of its various stages: initiation, proliferation, invasion, metastasis and shock.
The phase of initiation occurs due to the damage of DNA at the sub-cellular levels, which as Revici believed is under greater influence that genetic predispositions. The proliferation stage takes place when the DNA of enough cells become deranged. The invasion stage marks the transition between cellular to tissular. Metastasis is the continual proliferation of the cancer in other tissues. Revici classified the “shock” stage as the end state of disintegration, a systemic, catabolic effect on the entire organism.
The administration of Revici’s therapeutic lipids have the capability of shifting the offset anaerobic or dysaerobic imbalance, interfering with the growth and proliferation of cancer at the various stages and levels of hiearchy.
The work of Emanuel Revici, MD is carried on by very few clinicians world-wide. The intensity and depth of his work needs to be continued for the betterment of the health of civilization.
In memorium: Emanuel Revici, 1896-1997