The greater your level of stress, the greater the nutritional demands upon your body. The weaker your nutrition practice, the larger a nutritional deficit exists. Health is very much about keeping enough nutrition in “the bank” so that your health doesn’t become bankrupt. For many people however, they run up nutritional debt for a lifetime, and never pay it back. In such people, the attainment of true health is never realized, or even considered.
Stress plays an enormous role upon the health of every physiological system of your body. Many people who report high levels of stress believe that they have adrenal fatigue and/or chronic fatigue syndrome. And while this may be the case, its important to point out that re-paying your nutritional debt (i.e. improving your health) is going to take a good deal of focus, determination and persistence, as well as the restoration of much more than JUST the adrenals.
The adrenals are one very important component in stress management, although it should be pointed out that the influence that the adrenal glands yield extends beyond their ability to handle various stresses placed upon the body. The hormones produced by the adrenals also regulate and influence:
- Fluid and electrolyte activity
- Carbohydrate and protein metabolism
- Toxic metal elimination
- Digestive functions
- Eicosanoid balance and fatty acid metabolism
- Bone and skeletal activity
- Allergies & sensitivities
- Inflammatory/Anti-inflammatory responses
The adrenals are involved with a simplex of other systems, glands and organs of the body, which continually strive to maintain a nutritional debit, or homeostatic balance. The function of the adrenals can become compromised for any number of reasons. Something such as a chronic, long term infection can cause adrenal stress. In other instances, deficits and/or excesses of key electrolytes such as sodium, potassium,magnesium, phosphorous, calcium and chloride can directly weaken adrenal function.
Other causes of adrenal burnout can be due to a classic, clinical picture:
- 12 hour work days
- Mediocre or poor nutrition
- Not enough rest and/or sleep
- No exercise
- 3-5 cups of coffee
- Dehydration
How many people worldwide fit into this, or a similar clinical picture? Too many. Your body is always doing the best that it can given its circumstances, given how it is being treated. Eventually the stressful demands that are placed upon the body result in a loss of function, a loss of homeostasis. And here is where your nutritional bank account begins to deplete. Before there is total burnout, the body will do everything possible to maintain equilibrium, to keep its nutritional surplus.
If a person’s diet and nutritional practice is inadequate to meet the body’s demands for the efficiency of energy production, the body knows exactly where to get what it needs: its own tissues!
The resultant metabolic de-regulation can be referred to as Protein Catabolism. In an excessive catabolic state, there is a high amount of pro-inflammatory fatty acids, which can and will generate free radical activation, which breaks down tissues. Run-away, catabolic disintegration has devastating consequences for the health of the entire body.
Restore Balance & Vitality To Achieve the Highest Level of Health Possible
Holism is the practice of viewing and treating the body in its entirety, as opposed to viewing the body as comprised of separate parts and separate systems. When a person’s nutritional bank account has been overdrawn, you must support the entireorganism, the entire person, body, mind, spirit, and everything in between in order to pay back your nutritional debt.
Often there are major compromises that a person must make. Reality sets in and a person is faced with certain choices: change your ways and embrace transformation and healing, or don’t change and experience an unknown spiral of health issues and suffering.
Change is very frightening for so many people because change represents the unknown and unconscious. The unknown can be very scary for many people, yet it takes courage to step into your truth and to embrace the potential of transformation, not only of your physical body but as you as a person and spirit.
I have built this website and have written the hundreds of articles on it, so that you may begin to embrace the possibility of transformation and change. I also use my website as a springboard for offering you free information and insights, so that if you and I do agree to work together nutritionally, on a professional basis, you are equipped with a good amount of information.
Steps Towards Transformation & Regeneration
I recommend some basic lab testing to gain insights into your body’s functions. You can click HERE to read more about my screening testing and nutritional consulting program.
If you are searching for viable solutions to improve your health, I encourage you to use my website as a resource. I have provided a series of articles on how to conduct a basic interpretation of your blood test.
I have a free, 3 part guided audio presentation titled Meditation For Adrenal Fatigue.
My website also contains a large selection of articles regarding hormone function, gut and digestive functions, dental health, blood sugar and cardiovascular functions.
With determination, commitment and the courage to change your ways, achieving bountiful, nutritional wealth is available, as opposed to a depleted and overdrawn nutritional debt.