In this course introduction we will cover blood sugar handling, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, hydration and dehydration, and fluid/electrolyte balance.
Nuts and Bolts of Nutritonal Physiology

Module 1 of the Blood Chemistry Mastery Course.
Unit 1

Unit 2*

In this unit, we will cover a basic overview of digestion, hypochlorhydria, liver functions, liver detoxification, and liver-related imbalances.
Unit 3

In this unit we will cover renal functions, hormones, electrolytes, and pH balance.
Unit 4 *

In this unit, we will cover cardiovascular functions, nitric oxide and methylation.
Unit 5

In this unit we will cover common endocrine presentations, immune functions, immune cells, inflammatory cascades, and GI immunity.
Unit 6

In this unit we will cover skeletal functions, osteopenia, osteoporosis, common nutrient deficiencies, dietary protein, B-12 and folate, and B-6.
Unit 7*

In the final unit, we will continue to discuss nutritional deficiencies such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium/ potassium, iron, and molybdenum.