Candida albicans is a yeast that is part of the normal intestinal terrain and gut flora. It is also present in the saliva. Under certain circumstances candida albicans can become pathogenic where it can cause very real and serious symptoms including: headaches, fatigue, itching, gas and bloating as well as irritation in the mucous membranes of the vagina and urinary tract. In certain instances, candida can also occupy the blood where it can cause systemic overgrowth.
Candidiasis is the diagnosed condition associated with the overgrowth of cadida yeast. Candidiasis is a fungal infection. Fungus and yeast live and thrive in an anaerobic (without oxygen environment). According to many researchers and physicians, fungal and yeast overgrowth are the cause of many diseases.
What Causes Pathogenic Yeast to Thrive?
When the biological terrain in the gut is out of balance, fungus and yeast become pathogenic. A major precipitating factor for candida overgrowth is the consumption of sugar. Sugar has a very anaerobic effect in the body, and the excess consumption of sugars can lay the breeding ground for yeast and fungal overgrowth. So can birth control pills and intra-uterine devices. Birth control tends to raise copper levels in the body, contributing to a host of symptoms. The presence of mercury is also another huge factor for the growth of fungus and yeast. Mercury is an anaerobic toxic metal. Mercury is the 2nd most toxic substance on earth besides radioactive isotopes. It is quite common that people with several mercury-containing dental amalgams have candida problems.
Its important to point out that the source of the problem is not candida itself, it is the environment that candida grows in that precipitates its promulgation. Remove the precipitating factors, restore the balance of the biological terrain in the gut, and pathogenic yeast will die off.
It is also important to point out that it is almost guaranteed there are other health issues with people who have candidiasis. There could be a variety of additional gut function issues like parasites, bacterial infection, low levels of hydrochloric stomach acid (HCL), gut permeability, liver toxicity, hormone imbalances and more.
Like with so many health issues, the symptoms you experience are the “tip of the iceberg”. The important and exciting thing about Functional Lab Testing is that it enables us to get to all of the layers of dysfunction in the body and to dig out the root of the problems, not to treat disease or symptoms.
Fungal infections like candidaisis indicate that there are likely numerous imbalances in the body as well as toxicity.
Testing for Candidiasis
The best way to identify candida overgrowth is through a stool pathogen screen. This will also reveal various species of parasites and the bacteria H-Pylori. Candida can also be identified through a saliva test which looks at the balance of aerobic to anaerobic bacteria, immunoglobulins IgA and IgG.
Because there may be other complications, additional testing may be required. If you are interested in learning about testing options, click here.
Elimination of Pathogenic Yeast
If candidiasis is found, there is a simple yet powerful approach that will work.
- Eliminate the precipitating factors
- Eliminate sugar and fermented foods
- Take anti-parasitic/anti-fungal herbs. The best formula is found through Raintree
- The probitotic strain saccharomyces boulardi may be very good to clear yeast, as well as the species Lactobacillus plantarum and salivarius
While using probiotics, it can often be helpful to cycle on and off 2-3 different brands. While the above 4 recommendations are the most basic and fundamental, it should also be stressed that you should uncover and uproot the underlying factors. As stated earlier, candidiasis is the “tip of the iceberg”. To get to the root of your health issues, additional laboratory testing may be necessary.