Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…as we all sit around and wait for someone to pass legislation mandating that genetically modified foods be labeled in grocery stores, the ignorant public continues to support the GMO industry by buying GMO-contaminated foods.
An idea came to me, after the seemingly hundredth time someone asked the butcher which chicken to get, the “All Natural” or “Organic.” This time she chose the organic. The grocery store employees don’t know, and most don’t care about the fact that the “all natural” animals are fed a high GMO diet. Few people can tell you which foods are GMO, but I’ll tell you that if it isn’t organic and it contains commercial corn, soy, canola, alfalfa, papaya, cottonseed, sugar, squash or rice, then it likely is GMO. Let’s take a look at percentages in the U.S. of these crops. Here is a list of the percentage of these crops that are GMO:
- Soy, 93% is GMO
- Corn, 86% is GMO
- Cotton Seed, 93% is GMO
- Alfalfa, Recently legalized GMO no stats yet
- Hawaiian Papaya, 80% is GMO
- Canola or rapeseed, 93% is GMO
- Sugar beet, 95% is GMO
- Rice, forecast N/A
- Zuchini Squash, 13% is GMO
All the slick BS about Whole Foods and whoever else being a part of the non-GMO project, meanwhile they all continue to sell and profit from GMO’s. They too are waiting for the labeling legislation to happen. Tick tock, tick tock. The Whole Foods team members are waiting as they continue to serve you GMO canola in their hot bar. The grocery store butcher is waiting as he reads from his “All natural” script everytime a customer asks the difference between “All natural” and “Organic”.
If I don’t mind saying so, almost everyone seems to be plagued with the waiting illness: “Waiting on the world to change” sings John Mayer. Waiting for someone else to get it done. If this isn’t characteristic of a herd of sheep who need a shepherd, I don’t know what is.
So as we all continue to sit around and wait for whatever pussyfooted legislators are going to float through the bureaucratic carnival of GMO fire hoops, I can think of a crafty, bold and effective way to inform the public on GMO’s. Some of you are going to love this, because like me you are fiery and like doing risky things. Others will not like this because it is too confrontational for you.
Rather than waiting for mandatory GMO labeling, why not go to the grocery stores and label the GMO-containing foods ourselves? I’m serious. It is too easy to find which foods contain GMO’s. Jeffrey Smith’s GMO shopping guide has a lot of the foods. You can call each company yourself and ask them if their products contain GMO’s. They’ll tell you. I’ve already done it.
Create a small template and stickers that simply say: “This food contains Genetically Modified Organisms” and then do your own labeling in the stores. What mother who sees this label would want to buy the GMO cornchips, or the “Organic” corn chips made with GMO Canola oil? Or the “All Natural” (really means ‘All GMO’) soy sauce?
You would be helping to familiarize the public with how they are being misled. The shocking part is that these GMO labels you create will be all over the store, hundreds, maybe thousands of food products.
Imagine if we had a Non-GMO day, and 25 people in every major city in the U.S. went to all the major grocery stores and labelled as many GMO foods as possible. People would take notice.
I’m willing to give this a try on a small scale. How about you? Or maybe it’s better to sit around and wait for someone else to do the labeling for you….
Safe eating. In health, Michael McEvoy