If you are a healthcare practitioner, join Metabolic Healing founder Michael McEvoy at the The Forum For Integrative Medicine Conference (TFIM) in Seattle, WA, March 7-9, 2019.
Michael McEvoy is a researcher and clinician studying the breakthrough mechanisms of complex disease.
Michael’s presentation is titled: Joint Hypermobility Syndromes & the Extracellular Matrix: Problems & Solutions.
Loss of extracellular matrix (ECM) function is an overlooked event, which has profound physiological implications
Joint hypermobility explicitly implicates a loss of extracellular matrix function
Loss of ECM function may result in:
- pain syndromes
- loss of growth factor and cytokine signaling
- autoimmune susceptibility
- aberrant stem cell function
- GI symptoms
- gynecological complications
For more on Michael McEvoy’s research on Joint Hypermobility, please go to the following links:
- Defining the RCCX Phenotype
- The Extracellular Matrix: Key to Unravelling Chronic Disease?
- Joint Hypermobility: EDS, Collagen, Histamine & CIRS
- RCCX: A Link to Complex Illness & Why it’s Important
- The Energy Blueprint podcast: The extracellular matrix: a secret key to health & energy
- The Spectrum of health podcast: The RCCX phenotype & chronic illness
Michael McEvoy is taking new clients NOW in his consulting practice. CLICK HERE to learn more about his consulting services.