European food safety agencies have found detectable amounts of toxic metals in several in commercial baby foods. Levels detected were near a millionth of a gram. It should be understood that these levels are not necessarily safe.Toxic metals in any amount can become a devastating factor to human health, especially to the developing brain and immunity of infants.
The World Health Organization has stated that two micrograms for every kilogram of body weight is the limit on arsenic, but this level was quickly retracted after studies indicated that much smaller amounts can precipitate cancer and other serious health issues. Lead limits have also been suspended for similar reasons.
Researchers found that store bought baby formulas which contained rice porridge, increased exposure to arsenic by more than 50 times!
Avoid Store Bought Baby Food
Make your own baby food. There are numerous recipe books which allow you to do this. In the back of Sally Fallon’s groundbreaking book “Nourishing Traditions” there are numerous baby recipes.
When preparing food for babies, ALWAYS use organic ingredients. Many of the products sampled for toxic metal contamination contained conventionally-grown grain products from all over the world. While organic whole grain can be of some benefit infants, the likely reason why baby food companies use rice and wheat in baby food is because of cost, not because of health. Devoloping infants should be breast fed as PRIMARY IMPORTANCE. Developing children need adequate amounts of saturated fat, cholesterol and protein, as these powerful nutrients are anabolic and serve as the building blocks for brain and nervous system development.