Omega 3 & PUFA’s: What No One Wants To Talk About
The over-zealous, over-hyped allopathic, “one size fits all” approach to recommending Omega 3 oils is almost as obsessively rambunctious as the omega 6 corn and vegetable oil circus in the…
The over-zealous, over-hyped allopathic, “one size fits all” approach to recommending Omega 3 oils is almost as obsessively rambunctious as the omega 6 corn and vegetable oil circus in the…
Of your liver’s 500 functions, its production of bile is one of the most important. Bile is an essential “de-greaser” and “emulsifier” of dietary fats. Bile is also essential for the…
The amount of people with inadequate electrolyte levels continues to amaze me. It is no surprise why there are so many people with adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, high…
Pull out your magnifying lens and become your own health detective! Real health is about self empowerment, patient education and applying and understanding principles and strategies that work for you.…
The practices of conventional dentistry can result in some of the most insidious sources of toxicity and can become a very real threat to the health of the human body.…
The innundation of toxicity in today’s modern world has resulted in very high levels of toxicity among people. This includes the bombardment from toxic, heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum…
Last week we covered glucose factors, as well as the importance of interpreting blood chemistry functionally, rather than pathologically. We also discussed the topic of laboratory reference ranges being statistical averages,…
Juicing fresh, raw and organic vegetables can be a powerful addition to one’s nutrition practice. Juicing vegetables is an outstanding way to obtain additional minerals, enzymes, vitamins and trace nutrients.…
De-regulated blood sugar levels have become epidemic in the western world. The incidence of blood sugar-related diseases such as diabetes now strikes tens of millions of people. Type II diabetes…
Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a tissue level biopsy which can reveal a lot of very important data regarding the activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands. Additionally, HTMA…