Recently I’ve been working very closely with a Type II Diabetic. I have recommended that she monitor her glucose levels with a glucose meter at various intervals throughout the day, as well as complete a daily food diary each day. Five days ago, before implementing our new strategy, her early morning blood sugar was 209. Today her early morning blood sugar was 163.
That is a decrease of 46 points in 5 days! In addition to this, her blood sugar before mealtimes has been significantly lower than its been in the past. Before dinner today she experienced a blood sugar level of 130, lower than it has been as long as we’ve been working together. Her body is beginning to produce energy much more efficiently, and it is apparent that her cells are becoming more sensitive to insulin.
What is the secret here? This person is eating right for her Metabolic Type.
It is imperative to understand that a food and a nutrient can behave differently in two different people. This does not have to do with some special quality in the food, but rather how compatible that food is with the dominant metabolic system in your body. It so happened that this person was previously eating a type of diet that was incompatible with her Metabolic Type. After my initial assessment I determined she had a sympathetic nervous system imbalance, which was her primary metabolic imbalance.
The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for inducing the stress response, which involves an elevation in glucocorticoids (especially cortisol) as well as catecholamines (like adrenaline). Her high adrenal output was indicated by high tissue levels of potassium. High levels of cortisol and adrenaline both will tend to mobilize excess sugars into the bloodstream. In addition to this, type II diabetics also tend to have excess sodium and diminished levels of magnesium, due to the fact that there is insulin resistance (high amounts of insulin prevents glucose from entering into the cells. Consequently this tends to raise sodium and lower magnesium). Her body’s response to the high amounts of glucose in her blood resulted in numerous complications including elevated C-Reactive Protein (CVD risk factor), various immune responses and high levels of adrenal output.
Fortunately she is one step closer to bringing these disease processes to their knees. A high quality Metabolic Type-appropriate diet and a little extra magnesium goes a long way. And she is doing this all by herself (with a little help from me of course); learning new things daily. Its incredibly enjoyable to watch. She is doing all of this without addressing her symptoms! That’s right: the Disease-Specific model of healthcare has been tossed out the window. She is focusing on building health and learning about her body’s own unique metabolic needs. When health becomes the reality, the disease process comes to an end. Of course there is still a lot more work to do.
The examples below are two of several possibilities, illustrating how ‘one person’s food is another person’s poison’:
- Person #1 has a Parasympathetic Dominant Imbalance
- Person #2 has a Sympathetic Dominant Imbalance
Person #1: If person #1 eats a high carb, low fat, low protein type of diet, this will make them more parasympathetic. For someone who is a parasympathetic dominant, this type of diet may produce symptoms such as low blood sugar, hypoglycemia, itchy scalp, achy muscles and joints. A parasympathetic type may experience excess weight gain from eating a high carb low fat, low protein diet.
Person #2: If person #2 eats a high protein and fat, low carb type of diet, this will make them more sympathetic. For someone who is a sympathetic dominant, this type of a diet may produce symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, hyperglycemia, gout, hypertension and hot flashes. A sympathetic type may experience excess weight gain when eating a high fat, high protein, low carb type of diet.
Flip these diets around and you get optimum energy and abundant health. The parasympathetic dominant needs the high protein, higher fat, low carb meal plan. The sympathetic dominant needs the higher carb, lower fat/protein diet.
Your Metabolic Type IS the most determinant influence on your body’s production and utilization of energy. Your body has a requirement for the correct grade of fuel in order for there to be efficient energy production. Switch the fuel grade, and your metabolic engines will not run properly. Provide the correct type and amount of nutrients relative to your body’s highly individual metabolic needs, and your body begins producing energy in an efficient manner.
It is amazing to watch. Over and over again I see how completely opposite diets will produce abundant health in different people, for the opposite reasons.