Health assessment biopsies are numerous. In my practice as a nutritional consultant, I view all sorts of different tests: blood tests, saliva hormone tests, liver and gut function urine tests and also hair tests.
I have come to appreciate the value of all laboratory tests for helping to get a clearer picture of what a person needs nutritionally in order to improve their health.
Hair analysis, referred to as HTMA is an excellent screening test that yields a tremendous amount of data regarding the body’s endocrine function, mineral values and toxic metal levels. Recently I have been correlating numerous blood test results directly to hair analysis profiles. This is especially true for thyroid and adrenal function.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is an excellent way to view:
- The Body’s stress patterns
- Mineral imbalances
- Organ/glandular weakness
- Adrenal/Thyroid Status
- Cellular mineral transport dynamics
- Ideal nutritional supplements for you
- Presence of toxic metals and materials in the body
Adrenal & Thyroid Function
I have seen that hair analysis profiles are excellent for assessing adrenal and thyroid function. A major benefit of the hair over the blood in this regard is that hair results reflect a 3-4 month trend, whereas blood values fluctuate faster.
Low thyroid function is often difficult to identify on laboratory blood tests. Typically hypothyroidism is identified in the blood through TSH, T3 and T4 values. However, a patient may have all the classical symptoms of hypothyroidism but the actual thyroid values seem fine.
Hair analysis reports can identify a trend for thyroid dysfunction through the identification of the Calcium/Potassium ratio. When hair calcium is elevated in relation to hair potassium values, the frequency of thyroid problems is prevelent.
The NA/K (sodium/potassium) ratio on hair tests is considered the most important mineral ratio on a hair analysis profile. This mineral ratio is a primary indicator of adrenal function. The higher the NA/K ratio, the more likely there is adrenal hyperfunction. The lower the NA/K ratio, the more tending towards adrenal hypofunction.
I have been able to correlate this very closely with blood values of sodium and potassium, which are the major cations on blood tests that reflect adrenal function.
Improving Function
I am most concerned with teaching people how to improve function in their bodies, as well as adressing underlying causation. How this is done varies from person to person. I highly recommend using a Metabolic Type assessment in conjunction with hair analysis, as this tandem provides an excellent opportunity for healing.
The hair analysis results reveal various mineral patterns in the body. By studying and understanding these patterns, it becomes quite easy to recommend the correct nutritional supplements, glandulars and adjacent therapies.
Stopping Causation is the Best Prevention
Toxic heavy metals such as mercury from ‘silver amalgam dental fillings’ can cause tremendous havoc on the adrenals, thyroid and endocrine system. Mercury is a known adrenal disruptor. According to Michael Lam, M.D., M.P.H., A.B.A.A.M:
“Mercury causes a defect in adrenal steroid biosynthesis by inhibiting the activity of 21a-hydroxylase. The consequences of this inhibition include lowered plasma levels of corticosterone and elevated concentrations of progesterone and (DHEA).
“The inhibition of the 21-hydroxylase system may be the mechanism behind the mercury-induced adrenal hyperplasia. Adrenal hyperplasia can stress the adrenal glands by their accelerated activity to produce steroids to the point that production begins to diminish and the glands will atrophy. The result is a subnormal production of corticosteroids. Both lead and mercury can precipitate pathophysiological changes along the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and gonadal axis that may seriously affect reproductive function, organs, and tissues.”
Mercury Toxicity, Thyroid & Adrenal Function
If you have mercury-containing dental fillings, in my opinion you should have them removed and replaced by a competent biological dentist. However, even more importantly, your health status needs to be upgraded. I have seen too frequently that removing amalgams too quickly before a person is ready can create havoc.
A person’s biological functions need to be improved first. Always assess your Metabolic Type and eat accordingly. This will enhance your body’s metabolic functions as well as improve organ function and normal, detoxification processes. Removing amalgam can cause mercury ions to be released into the body.
Therefore, once your health is more stable, then see a highly qualified biological dentist who is skilled at proper amalgam removal. Preceding and following amalgam removal, you should take nutritional precautions, such as taking a glutathione precurssor, additional doses of vitamin C and E and other similar protocols to enhance the bodies detoxification capacities.