Functional lab testing can be critical in order to understand imbalance in the body. The salivary hormone test can yield very important information regarding the 7 major steroid hormones. The Biohealth 205 test will identify the levels of the following steroid hormones:
- Cortisol
- Progesterone
- Estriol
- Estradiol
- Testosterone
- Melatonin
With your test you will recieve:
- Extensive Functional Interpretation of Your Test Results
- Comprehensive Supplement & Hormone Recommendations
Steroid Hormone Pathways: Understanding and Interpreting BioHealth 205
(Credit Reed Davis, CCN, FDN & BioHealth for information in this article)
Steroid hormones are a class of hormones produced by the adrenals, testes and ovaries. They are of critical importance for regulating a variety of functions inside the body.
Cortisol & DHEA: Keys to Improving Health
Critically important for functioning are the adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA. Cortisol is a vital hormone for:
- Blood sugar regulation
- Electrolyte balance
- Calcium dynamics
- Gene transport
- Fluid retention
- Vasculature
- Anti-inflammatation
- Digestion of macro-nutrients
Cortisol affects mood and is a major marker of the complex control loops regulating the sex hormones. The general effect of excess cortisol is usually stimulatory and catabolic; a deficiency of cortisol usually results in a slowing of physiology.
DHEA is the major precursor of testosterone and the estrogens. It becomes active at puberty. It promotes the growth and repair of protein tissue (especially muscle), and acts as a counter regulatory agent to cortisol, negating many of the harmful effects of continued excess cortisol. When increased demand for cortisol is prolonged, DHEA levels decline. DHEA then is no longer able to balance the negative effects of excess cortisol. Depressed DHEA levels serve as an early warning of potential adrenal exhaustion.
A chronic imbalance between adrenal stimulation and cortisol and/or DHEA output is associated with a multitude of both clinical and subclinical systemic disorders.
Estrogens and Testosterone are included in this profile to further evaluate the efficacy of DHEA therapy. Since DHEA can convert to Estrogens and/or Testosterone, the use of DHEA may be contraindicated if Estrogens and/or Testosterone levels are elevated. Conversely, if Estrogens and/or Testosterone levels are depressed, DHEA and/or other therapeutic measures may be indicated. Bedtime Cortisol, Melatonin, and Progesterone levels are indicators for rest and recovery and are indicated for anyone with sleep disorders.